The Love Box provides new and meaningful ways to educate and support students.
We share a common mission to surround students with a community of support and love to empower them to achieve in life. They Love Box Foundation is committed to educating and empowering people to grow in love by expressing love through education, love notes and Love Box experiences.
For students, the benefits include:
Social & Emotional Learning Goals – Creating a closer bond of trust with other students, teachers, and caring adults. Helps students feel safer and develop closer one and one relationships with others.
Promotes positive mental health. Creates a foundation of love in the students’ life. Love for self, others, and their community.
Increases mental health by increasing awareness of positive emotions, feelings, differences and compassion for one’s own unique strengths and others.
Creates a caring and kinder environment in school.
Marketable skills – Writing and communicating in an honest, compassionate, and authentic way.
Service – Gives students the opportunity to give back to their peers, family and community.
Ultimately. the Love Box experience gives students in the school and community the opportunity to express their feelings and create closer relationships.
To bring the Love Box into a school, please connect with:
The Love Box Foundation’s goal is to build a more loving world. We teach families and communities how to share love with Love Boxes, Love Notes, educational and community events.
Since 1999 the Love Box has had an impact on families, businesses and communities. It has been an honor to watch our product touch the lives of so many people.
Here’s a list of just some of the impact.
Families express their love, create a foundation of love and have closer bonds.
Foster Families – Express their love and feel more connected and confident.
Teachers & Students
Women Rebuilding their lives despite abuse and addictions.
It’s time to spread love with our health heroes. Doctors, nurses and workers are coming together in care and service to us all. Let’s take some time to show them we appreciate what they do and the sacrifices they make.
Thank you seems hardly enough. Let’s surround them with love in the form of handwritten love notes and keepsake Original Love Boxes.
3 Ways You Can ‘Spread Love with Health Heroes’
Write love notes and give Original Love Boxes. Doctors, nurses, workers and patients will feel appreciated and ‘loved on’ if you write and drop off notes and Love Boxes at a local hospital or medical facility.
Host a ‘Spread Love’ Campaign in your area. Contact a local hospital or medical facitility and see how they want to spread love in their community. You can provide Original Love Boxes and love notes to health heroes in two ways. Write love notes and give them those. Provide blank love notes that they can write love notes to colleagues, patients, family members, friends, etc.
Adopt a Doctor, Nurse or Worker. You can donate an Original Love Box with 20 love notes for a discounted rate of $20 each. There are ‘donate’ buttons on the home page here and on
Thank you to everyone fighting to keep us all safe through this challenging time.
Chateau Elan is a proud sponsor of the Foster Love Party!
We’re incredibly THANKFUL Chateau Elan will host us at the Gene Sarazen’s Pavilion. It will be the perfect spot for us to gather and listen to a concert by Miss Georgia, Victoria Hill, enjoy a tea party along with fun family activities and raise funds to give foster families Love Boxes.
The theme is ‘Mary Poppins Returns’ so you can come and make your own crown. Word has it that some people are getting all dressed up. You can come as you are and be treated royally. Just be ready for a fun-filled time on Nov. 2nd from 2-4 pm. Tickets are only $5 for kids, $10 for adults and $20 per family. If you can’t make it and want to sponsor families to get a Love Box, they’re $30 each.
Are you fed up with the mass shootings and wondering, “What can I do?”
My heart goes out to the families and community – and imagine yours does too.
Violence is pure evil and we need true love to overpower it.
Dayton was home to our family for 13 years. I know the Oregon district and Bellbrook well. I raised my kids in Dayton and even though we live in Atlanta, I feel for every family and people in the community. As a Mom of three 20-something children, this is NOT the type of world I want my children and future grandchildren to live in. This level of violence and fear is just not right. Fear seeks to cast doubt and divide us.
Love seeks to unify us. As humans we are made for connection and community. We crave peace, joy and love.
So, I did what I always do when I feel overwhelmed. I called some friends and we talked and then we talked about ‘What can we do?” You and I can do things to build stronger, safer families and communities. What we’ve done in the past simply isn’t enough and it’s not working.
Friends and I made a ‘Love Pledge’. We’ll do more. We’ll contact our legislators and tell them we want responsible gun control. We’ll advocate for better mental health care, access to care and support for families. One dynamic woman decided she will run for office. Another caring friend will spend more time with her grandkids, instilling them with strong moral values and she’s going to help other youth more.
As the inventor of the Original Love Box, the Love Agents and I have decided to surround our Dayton friends with Love – by sending love notes and Original Love Boxes.
The families, 1st responders, community members, bar patrons and establishment owners will know we love them and that they’re not alone.
That’s what WE can do: come together, support one another and ‘Love our neighbor’, both near and far.
Will you join us in prayer and love note writing? On Tues., 8/13 we’ll gather at Papa Jacks in Flowery Branch, Georgia, from 6:30 pm – 8 pm. Stop by any time. If you can’t make it, you can write love notes on the Original Love Box fb page and a Love Agent will handwrite it.
If you want to support the effort financially, you can give a family or families an Original Love Box for $35 each.
These are challenging times, yet we can have hope for the future. Remember, this is a time of re-awakening. A time where the darkness is being exposed to the light and we all have a choice as to how we’ll move forward.
Know you are loved. In fact, you are Adored. And you have absolutely nothing to fear.
Love Agents and Christine Martinello, Inventor of the Original Love Box send Dayton love. Original Love Boxes, and handwritten love notes will surround families, 1st responders, hospital personnel and Oregon District establishments.
Thank you for sharing love notes and Love Boxes to countless people and families. In the past year the following people and groups have benefited from special deliveries – love notes, Love Box books and Original Love Boxes. Makes everyone smile – the givers and the receivers.
Homeless Families
Parkland, Florida – students, teachers and parents
Firefighters in Georgia and California
Police Officers
Women Recovering from Addictions, Abuse and Mental Illness
Hi Love Agent!
One thing is for sure – families and the world need more love. Don’t you think?
So, we’re planning to shower lots of love upon women and children recovering from mental health issues and homelessness. We want to provide love notes and love boxes for at least 35 + women and could use your support. We’re partnering with Home of Hope Gwinnett Children’s Shelter and Avita Community Partners.
Would you like to provide a Christmas Love Box for a family? It’s only $35 for each family. The fun campaign begins when the Love Agent Squad & I host the ‘Love Box Fund Party’ on Nov 1st. Your invitation is attached. If you can’t make the party, will you consider:
Host a ‘Love Box Fund Party’ with your friends or with a non-profit group you love.
Please pray and see how your heart is opened. We’re believing for 35 women to get love Boxes @ $35 each. So, that’s $1,050. Would it bless you to give?