Love Notes

How to do the Original Love Box™ Tradition

  • Write love notes to your family and friends & place them all in the box. Gather together, pass the box around, and read all the love notes aloud.
  • Feel warm all over, smile, and feel the magic and power of love!
  • Read the love notes over & over again for years to come.

Digital Love Notes – To get free love notes contact: Christine at:

Directions: Send a Digital Love Note today.

1. Click on the graphic above to open the Love note (PDF).
2. Save it. Right Click (Save As) To Your Computer.
3. Write a Love Note & Save. Send it to your loved ones.

So many people are coming together in care and service to us all. Let’s take some time to show them we appreciate what they do and the sacrifices they make.  Thank you seems hardly enough. Let’s surround them with love.

YOU can get involved in many ways. Reach out to Christine Martinello, the Founder, directly @

How to Write a Love Note:

  • Think about what you love & like about the person & write that!
  • Write about special gifts or talents the person has.
  • Write about “How is that person a gift to me & others?”
  • Write legibly – Love Notes will be read for years to come.

How can I do the Tradition?

We Love the Love Box!

However you want!  You can do it all year long, for holidays & special celebrations.

Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Baby Shower, Wedding, Family Reunion, Girlfriends Weekend, Christmas, or Celebration of Life Ceremony.

Love Notes for Everyone!

Surround the ones you love with a lovely and heartfelt message.

Love notes for Grandmom

  • What would I do without your wise advice? Thank you for always been loving despite my mistakes. You have taught me that no matter how difficult the situation is, there is a solution and “Everything is going to be alright.”
  • Thank you for the stories that you always tell me.  You fill my heart with so much love. You are the kindest grandma that anyone could have.

Love notes for Grandpa

  • Thank you for holding my hand for many years. Thank you for being wise and strict. You have no idea how important you are in my life. I have no words to describe how grateful I am for you and for all the moments we have spent together.
  • There’s so much you have done and so much you have taught me. Your hugs and your jokes are the best gifts that any kid could have. Never forget how special and important you are in my life. I love you Grandpa!

Love notes for Mom

  • I wanted to let you know that I am very thankful for all the things you have done to support me. You hug me, kiss me and cook some good meals.  You truly are the best mom that anyone could have.
  • You are a strong and loving mother. I am so blessed to have you encourage and love me. You have been such a positive role model in my life and without you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
  • Your unconditional love and undying support towards me have made a substantial impact on the growth of my character over the years. I am so grateful for it and for you.

Love notes for Dad

  • You are so much fun, funny, and are the best Dad imaginable! Thank you for fixing things around the house and teaching me how to be good.  I love you so very much.
  • No matter the challenge that you are facing, you overcome it with love and strength. I appreciate your willingness to support and cooperate with me. Being the dad you are is the best proof of your love.
  • You are like the wind beneath my wings.  Always encouraging me and letting me know how capable I am.  Because you believe in me so much, I believe in myself too.  Thank you for providing for our family so well and doing fun things with me.

Love notes for Daughter

  • You touch my heart with your sweet and kind ways. It is lovely to see you growing up and your success. Continue to work hard, it is going to pay off.  So glad to be your Dad!
  • I love how you set your dreams and then make them come true. You are a bundle of joy and ambition. Thank you for always offering an encouraging word and your cheerfulness. My love for you travels around the world and back.

Love notes for Son

  • I am very proud of the young man you are becoming. You are learning how to be a role model for your siblings. Never forget that you are special and loved.
  • I love that you are growing into a fine young man. I am proud of how you overcome difficulties. I know you are going to do great things in the future.

Love notes for Sister

  • It is always nice having a social butterfly around, you never know when you are going to need one. Your bright personality is always so refreshing.
  • I have no words to describe how complete my life is with such an angelical sister as you are. You always have encouraging and loving words when I need them. Without doubt, you are the best present that my parents have given me.

Love notes for Brother

  • You are a gift because… I love your sense of humor, your cool blond hair, your great smile, and your loving acting heart. You are the best brother!
  • Over the years we’ve had our fair share of witty banter and it’s been great having someone like you to share it with.
  • Thank you for always looking out for me and always having an honest smile. You have paved the way for me and told me about what to expect in life. Thank you for always supporting me and having a good joke on hand.

Messages for your girlfriend

  • I so enjoy having you by my side to have fun with, to talk with and to grow with.  Thank you for being such a beautiful woman and friend.
  • When I read in your looks and words that you loved me, I feel it in the deepest part of my soul; and then I care not one straw for the whole Universe beside… ~Jane Baillie Welsh~
  • When I think of someone I care for so deeply, it’s you.  You’re kind, caring, and so patient with me.  How did I get so lucky to find a wonderful girlfriend like you!

Special Notes for boyfriend

  • If I could give you one gift, it would for you to see yourself through my eyes.  Then you would realize how special you are to me and to so many other people.  Your smile, laugh and caring ways bring me such happiness.  Thank you for being you.
  • All I want is for you to be happy and for all your dreams to come true.  Sometimes it’s hard to share with you how I really feel and I hope you know that deep down I really care about you.  You are my friend and such a good guy.
  • You have lifted my mood and spirits so many times.  I’m really glad we have each other to have fun with and rely on in good times and tough times.  I love your smile, laugh and the way you care for everyone you meet.

Love notes for friends

  • People are in your successes, friends are in your failures and successes, and you, you are my friend. This friendship goes beyond words. Many moments and memories that we have created together will remain in my heart forever. I love you partner in crime.
  • Do you remember the day that we meet? I never thought you would become my best friend. I am so happy to have you in my life and be able to share new experiences with you. Looking forward to our next adventure.

Love notes for husband

  • You are my knight in shining armor and the man whom I love with my whole heart and soul. When I look into your eyes, I see a man who is devoted, true, and I feel like the luckiest girl to have you.
  • We have been through so many ups ‘n downs this year. You work extra hard for us and deserve a ‘Great Husband’ award. In my eyes, you are a one-in-a-million kind of Husband.

Romantic messages for your Wife

  • The first time that I saw you I knew there was something ‘extra special’ about you. Here we are years later, and we feel closer to you than ever. We’ve been through many good times and tough times together. Let’s keep making our dreams come true.
  • Thank you for your kindness, patience, thoughtfulness, caring, and HUGE heart full of love. I am so grateful that you are my best friend and life partner forever. You make my life and world complete.
  • A something in your eyes, and voice, you possess in a degree more persuasive than any woman I ever saw, read. or heard of… that bewitching sort of nameless excellence.  ~Laurence Sterne~

Love notes for coworkers

  • You are an amazing person to work with. Thank you for your support and help during this busy time. This company is truly lucky to have you.
  • Thank you for appreciating my skills and being such a great coworker. We meet challenging goals because we are on this team, together.

Do the Love Box tradition for special occasions

  • Mother’s day
  • Valentine’s day
  • Birthday
  • Weddings
  • Celebration of Life Ceremony

“The Love Box™ is the perfect way to lead your family in a tradition of love and gratitude for each other.”     ~Rachael Bodie, John Maxwell Co.

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