Encourage a Firefighter
How is your life different since 9/11 2001?
I remember that fateful day starting out sunny and cool in Dayton Ohio. In the morning I watched TV in disbelief and fear as the twin towers toppled over.
Much was lost that day and it was the beginning of a newfound appreciation for life and loving our neighbor.
We each had a choice to make. Would we be consumed by fear or focus on faith and love?
Days after 911 Bob and I decided; we won’t let fear rule our family, have a place at our table or in our hearts. We would go order selves and our neighbors so that the world would become better. We seriously thought about the kind of world we wanted our children to be raised in.
We decided to let faith in God and his love lead us. We put our trust in each other and stepped up efforts to promote a loving family and a more loving community. We committed our time, energy and money into creating a better world.
The sacrifices of all those who suffered were not in vain. Our country has become more vigilant in protecting us. People have stepped up to do good & unleashed a fierceness of love.
Let us each pick up the torch of freedom and create communities that we are all free to live in.
Let us not forget where we were and how the world has changed. We can continue to change America with each of our actions or inactions.
Let’s encourage one another along this journey. Encouragement is like a cold glass of lemonade on a sweltering hot day.
Tonight at 6:30 PM we will write love notes to fire fighters from Georgia to Carlsbad California. Please take a moment and encourage first responders.
Sending you so much love!
Christine Martinello
Founder, Original Love Box