Spreading Love with Health Heroes

It’s time to spread love with our health heroes.  Doctors, nurses and workers are coming together in care and service to us all.  Let’s take some time to show them we appreciate what they do and the sacrifices they make.

Thank you seems hardly enough.  Let’s surround them with love in the form of handwritten love notes and keepsake Original Love Boxes.

3 Ways You Can ‘Spread Love with Health Heroes’

  1.  Write love notes and give Original Love Boxes.  Doctors, nurses, workers and patients will feel appreciated and ‘loved on’ if you write and drop off notes and Love Boxes at a local hospital or medical facility.
  2. Host a ‘Spread Love’ Campaign in your area.  Contact a local hospital or medical facitility and see how they want to spread love in their community.  You can provide Original Love Boxes and love notes to health heroes in two ways.  Write love notes and give them those.  Provide blank love notes that they can write love notes to colleagues, patients, family members, friends, etc.
  3. Adopt a Doctor, Nurse or Worker.  You can donate an Original Love Box with 20 love notes for a discounted rate of $20 each.   There are ‘donate’ buttons on the home page here and on www.originallovebox.com

Thank you to everyone fighting to keep us all safe through this challenging time.

Let’s keep lifting each other up and #spreadlove.

Keep on Lovin’!


Christine Martinello

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